Sunday, January 12, 2014

Unpredictable Weather

By: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

We are having unceasing rain nowadays. How will our laundry be dry? It is supposed to be January but it feels like December. The climate had changed drastically, it is now very difficult to predict the seasons. It makes me ponder, that Mother Earth is protecting itself, a scary thought really because when she does, the living creatures will surely succumb to her power.

Many say, we will plant more trees to protect Mother Earth; but that is not true, the Earth has its own inner shield. We should plant trees, manage our waste disposal and be responsible people; why? - for us to survive in this only world we have... the Earth.

Mother Earth had been here for trillions of years; but many living creatures had vanished. I just hope and pray we will not be part of the extinct, just because we are arrogant enough to think we are the untouchables.

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