Thursday, January 30, 2014

Naked Truth

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

As the common adage goes, “Honesty is the best policy”.

Yes, it is true that honesty is the best choice to do; but do we practice it? I doubt it. By nature, people shy away from saying what are bothering them or what they are pondering and thinking at the moment. Why it happened? For the very reason that the truth may set a person on the right tract, but it will leave a shocked or hurt stigma. It is like a potent medicine, it is good, but leaves a bitter aftertaste on the tongue, which makes grimace one’s face. Naked truth is like that, the best way to know and will set a soul free, but it will hurt badly, yet it is good for the person.

To make these medicines tolerable, it has to be sugarcoated; the bitter taste will be eliminated; only the effect will be lessening a bit. Same thing with telling the person of what should be told, we coat it words to soften the impact, it is not really what we wanted to say, but the more subtle version. Sometimes it hit the marks, but often times it misses. The truth was convoluted, twisted because of our good intentions to placate the other person’s feelings. In the process of doing, the truth was not delivered, sad to know, but this is how we act in our everyday lives.

You want to know the truth? I might tell you, but are you ready for it? I don’t think so. The naked truths are only for those who have the strong hearts’ to change for good. Not to blame anyone but the willingness to change and find a new course of their lives. The truth could set a soul free; just endure the pain because it goes tandem with it. After that, you will be standing in the forklift, would you take the road of miseries or the road that will take you to happiness? The choice to make is clearer to see, but until then you have to learn to open your heart and mind to pain, by listening. Be vulnerable, in order to be strong. Experience the pain, in order to be happy again.

The road to happiness is simple yet uncomfortable, but one’s you tasted it, the choices will be easy. Better be a harbinger of naked truth and hurting, then be sweet yet living a life that is full of swarming worms in a can.

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