Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Ringing of Time

By: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

A buzzing irritating my ears, made me tense, shackling the very essence thru my bones; but I always mentally got hold of an anvil to smash it, to silence it for the time being.

What is it about time? Why does it feel like being measured up to something colossal.  Aren’t we supposed to enjoy life as it unfurls in front of us? Do we have to achieve more as we aged? Are successes and achievements be based according to the worldly materials we had acquired or will be possessing?  

There are inner wanting, deepest desires, we always craved, but do not have the time to pursue. These are the most basic in our hearts, if only we heed to this calling, happiness could be achieved.

I had seen many people abundant with worldly possessions, but with empty reflection in their eyes. The sparkle in it was lost long ago; it bleeds me to death to be a witness to a trapped soul. I wanted to exhume their hurt, but years of immersion in the midst of lonesome made ones’ soul stagnant and got lost.

Whenever I felt measuring myself or whatever achievements I did, I will visualize myself holding the hands of time and dismantling it to pieces. That way, I suspend time, and I am more free as I can be.

In the world where time is non-existence, the soul is at peace. The happiness within return to its’ normal vibrancy.

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