Thursday, January 9, 2014

In-Love with Love

By: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

We may never accept the fact, but yes, we are in-love with Love.

The world is created out of love, the very essence rooted in it. That is the reason our inner-self have this strong feeling of getting the loving sensation we could get. There’s a positive manifestation when love is palpable. Our whole being seems to brighten and at glow; the world becomes easier to live by.

A smile, a touch, kind words and attention could change the universe of a person. Love is all around us, it depends on us to recognize its forms. It manifest by itself if you are able to feel its sincerity, truthfulness and warmth.

If in doubt, just close your eyes, allows the heart to recognize the real love’s existence. The eyes could be deceived; but the heart never will.

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