Friday, January 3, 2014

Boulevard of Dreams

By: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos
How did I come up with the title?

It all boils down to the usual adage my mother-in-law used to say, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”.

It made me laughed knowing the meaning behind her statement. As she says, since the creation of the boulevard, many promises were made about undying love and promises of eternal presence no matter what. Then as soon as the act of lasciviousness was consummated, everything was oblivion, usually the man will not be found. So, that is how the adage is being formed.

But, I prefer to go against the tide of the usual lovers’ angst. I will give more focus on the positive side of its creation.

We arrived in Dipolog City 28th of December. What I am so excited the most is the walk my son and hubby will be doing in the boulevard. The breeze and the sound of the waves always give comfort to anybody who will be there, especially us, city dwellers. The tumbling of tides as it crashes into the walls of the boulevard is not so natural, but still it gives a calming effect to one’s soul.
From edge to edge of its wall, we walked for 30 minutes. Enjoyed the fresh air and the peaceful nature could offer. This is where my son and I walked hand-in-hand and talked many things under the sun. I explained to him, the beauty of nature could offer, and that as human beings, we have to be at peace with it, and take care of our natural resources. Being in there allowed us to be free and just enjoyed each other’s company. Hubby was just three-meter away from us, he always loved to lag behind, apart from he walked a little bit slow, he prefers maybe just to look at me and Avkez from afar.
Briskly walking along the pavement on the boulevard, was an experienced we would never tire of doing. Something to look forward to, when we are there, I see to it that will be part of our itinerary, aside from visiting the homes of some of the relatives of hubby.
The best time for me is to walk in there is during the early morning. It makes me feel that the place is exclusively for the chosen few that include us of course, to my mind only because the boulevard is open to the public, less people around the better for me. There could only be a handful of joggers and walkers like us. Rare occurrence of family around since of the time, but we are there, that is our best time.
The boulevard of Dipolog is of no special qualities compared to other boulevards to other people, it is just longer but since it is very near to the home of the parents’ of my hubby and our visit there is most frequent, for us, it is special.

If ever, some of you happen to be planning to visit Dipolog City soon, I would highly recommend a walk to the Boulevard of Dreams with your family in tow. It is an experience worth having, inexpensive yet memorable and it is also good for your health. And being close to Nature is just like being close to the Creator Himself.

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