Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Just Being Happy

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos 

The happiness I felt is overwhelming.

I know that it is still early to be joyful, yet in my heart, I could feel I already got what I wanted. I had been applying for a job online unceasingly. Got declined many times, but it never deterred me from my mission to land a good job. When a company declines my application, I applied to two companies in response. If 2 companies declined, then I will apply to four companies. When I feel downhearted, I used my beaten spirit to write applications with conviction and sureness. This time a NO answer is not an option. Every No, I will encounter will be by stepping stone to move forward. 

Due to my firing spirit, I am now reaping the handful of interviews coming my way. And there is this company which interviewed me lately wherein my blood gets so warm. I just know, I have to work in their company. I could feel the excitement and enthusiasm within me while the HRD representative was asking about my working experience. I just hope, he had seen my genuine interest to work in their company. My intentions of doing my best in order to be of value to them and at the same time earn my keeps.

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