Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Every Filipino is Precious

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

If you don't feel as one, then you may walk out just like those other Solons. We are a democratic form of government indeed, but may I say, manners do matter. If you want to lead this country go through the election process. This ousting of incumbent presidents is getting boring.

What is lacking in our leaders is the ability to work as a team. To set aside personal gains for the betterment of our country, countrymen and women. We need to alleviate our economic status and bolsters our defense in our jurisdiction. Political instability will only weaken us more from foreign intruders. This is the time, we should unite as one, to support our President.

Compared to other leaders nowadays, President Aquino is doing his best. As a citizen of this country, I could feel his sincerity and dedication to the Filipino people.

He is elected by the majority of the Filipino populace, and the people had put him there. Let him lead us then. Those who wants to oust him, to replace him, 2016 is near then you will have a chance, that is if the Filipino people wants you. But for now, let our duly elected President lead us.

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