Monday, July 21, 2014

Zooming Time

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos 

Evolution is what I am feeling lately. Am I maturing or maybe becoming an assassin-like personality? In the movies, assassins were portrayed as someone who was very particular of details and cleanliness, disinfecting the surroundings, just like in killing a person, it needs to be thorough, concise, and calculating. Leaving no traces for the investigators to pin-point who the real culprits were. That is how I am into, not the killing part but on the cleaning aspect. There is a need for me to see everything are arranged in such a way that pleased me. The ambiance should be welcoming and exudes the aura of pureness and freshness, the smell should be soothing to my nose as well. So, assassin-like phenomenon that is.

Being in the hospital could be an uncomfortable experienced, but something to be done when a family member is sick. Since we are only three, and my son is still young, he could only help in little things. In a way, it is me who was burdened with almost all tasked around. I am longing to go home now. No matter how simple our home is, yet that is the only place my heart feels fonder. Another, say goodbye to privacy, hourly or less, medical staffs keeps coming in and out in our room. The routine was very vivid, doctors will dropped-by around nine or ten in the morning and asked questions which they do not listened much. You wait for them for hours, but it will be a miracle if they will linger for ten minutes. Medical interns also do their routine, they do linger longer but then again who listened much to someone who is not yet a doctor. Nurses come and go by hour, they are the one who are more familiar with the patients. Diligently catering the orders of doctors and relaying pertinent information back to them with regards of the patients’ status. Then there are medical students, nursing interns, nursing-aides, food attendants, cleaning staffs and much more. Plenty of human disturbances especially when you’re in the state of slumbering. Yet, I am thankful of these people, they synchronized in making the health of my husband return. Love and hate relationship, I supposed that is the situation occurred. 

What irks me is the system of the hospital. They will not say it directly to your face, but yes, they want to get as much finances from you. The charges are way off high compared to the public hospitals, and they will push for more and more. Hey, as a patient, the end say will be yours. In a hospital or even to other institution, always think and never be easy in their suggestions in following. The world is getting dim, it needs people who thinks differently and with sense of practicality. Never follow what the businessmen and businesswomen suggested, because it all boils down to their motivation for self-gratifications.

While in the taxi, the driver said, the doctors in the hospital where my hubby is confined, are all Chinese-looking. I answered back, “…medicine is not only difficult, is also an expensive endeavor.” Naturally, the Chinese would be able to afford the sky rocketing prices of medical schools. If ever there will be pure blooded Filipinos to be schooled as doctors, they have had to be scholars or be one of the elite. 

I dropped my halo-halo, I bought that for a hundred bill and importantly, I really wanted to eat that. I was so shocked when it hit the floor, stunned and feeling like crying. Tomorrow morning, I will buy another one. This time, I will eat it in the store itself, no more traveling lest the incident might happened again. 

The things that occurred almost in a day.

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