Sunday, July 13, 2014

Paradise In Their Eyes

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Discovery of oneself could be both shocking and illuminating.

I believed there is no person on this Earth solely good or bad, a mixture of both perhaps. What makes a person sway to the pendulum of righteousness and deceit is the will of the person to be immersed in whatever they choose.  

Humans are fragile, easily plucked or enticed to temptations. Our curiosity can be pique instantly, which could bring our demise or downfall. Yet, what makes us special is our innate core, the ability and eagerness  to do great things to each other. Every time we do things, our consciousness will validate our decisions if that is right or wrong.

Thinking about happiness, and sensing its presence around me. It may be fleeting in nature, but those moments suffice the need for us to survive. There are many concerns and issues in our lives that pulls us back from the fulfillment of true happiness. I wish I had the cure for people’s sadness, yet, it is only a miracle that could overcome that predicament.  I wish I could whisper to their heart’s, everything will be fine, because pain and challenges are also temporary. It is difficult to touch one's heart if the person chooses to harden it. A sad scenario, indeed.

Being a mother, had let me experienced the beauty and the ecstasy on the receiving end of an unconditional love from my son. A gift which I fervently prayed with grace to our Creator. There are times, when I conversed with myself, hypothesizing, if karma is true, I must have done a great thing in my past, since He had bestowed the best son in the whole world.

I now understand why Jesus said only by being a child will we enter the kingdom of heaven. The child’s trust, and pure love is so powerful, it will make you feel as if the world will always be great as long as they are around. They generate positive energies, a pure light which shines in their eyes.

If you want to experience heaven, just look at a baby or a child, smile to them, and when they will look  back straight, it feels like  your soul was being touched by an angel..

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