Monday, July 21, 2014

The Time of Importance

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

As of now, I had realized the value of time, it will pass thru but cannot be recalled. People are rushing, for what reasons; maybe to live or just to finish things at hand. Living nowadays is different from the time of the past. I questioned the quality of living now, people are detached to their core being, of what is essential in life. Monotony could hardened the person’s persona, tragic and depressing. 

Controlling time is what I longed much. To be able to determine the how and what-to-do with it. Hold it with my grasping hands, to own it fully. My life is mine not for the time to dictates. I will live as I wish to be, time will only be a recording aspect of my timeline, not to be dictated by its routine movement. 

How to cheat time, then? 

It would be a challenge, but I will do it. Living the life I wanted, enjoying it to the fullest, never again will I be running after time, it will be in tandem with me. To walk hand-in-hand as I trod to this life. Time will be my friend, whether it likes it or not. Deep inside, I could feel the strength budding to blossoming, be the master of my universe. People may try to push me around, but never will I budged, they are just wasting their time. No one could force other people to do things they are not willing to do. 

My vision, my aim…

Long ago, I shied away from being successful or be acquiring plenty financial capabilities. Those things altered, in my thinking it should be changed, being financially free, means the ability to disbursed those assets to whatever purposes one may choose to. Wielding that power to greater use. Therefore, aiming in enriching myself is not a bad thing, but I will acquire it yes thru business endeavors and hard-work, too.

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