Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When the Physical Form Declines

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Moments could change as how we feel about our physical situation.

At this time, it made me realized that my intellect might be great, but my body’s capabilities cannot cope up. The pain is excruciating, last night I was not able to sleep soundly. I had observed when I had physical excursion and be subjected to rain and shine phenomenon, my body afterwards gets sick.

Nobody wants to be unhealthy, especially me, since whatever situation I am in, it will affect my son's life too. Without Avkez, I will embrace death like a friend, but with my son who is still young and needed a mother, I will strive to be alive until he is ready to stand on his own.

When I looked at my son’s face, it gives me resolution to watch my health always.

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