Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Just Being Happy

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos 

The happiness I felt is overwhelming.

I know that it is still early to be joyful, yet in my heart, I could feel I already got what I wanted. I had been applying for a job online unceasingly. Got declined many times, but it never deterred me from my mission to land a good job. When a company declines my application, I applied to two companies in response. If 2 companies declined, then I will apply to four companies. When I feel downhearted, I used my beaten spirit to write applications with conviction and sureness. This time a NO answer is not an option. Every No, I will encounter will be by stepping stone to move forward. 

Due to my firing spirit, I am now reaping the handful of interviews coming my way. And there is this company which interviewed me lately wherein my blood gets so warm. I just know, I have to work in their company. I could feel the excitement and enthusiasm within me while the HRD representative was asking about my working experience. I just hope, he had seen my genuine interest to work in their company. My intentions of doing my best in order to be of value to them and at the same time earn my keeps.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Every Filipino is Precious

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

If you don't feel as one, then you may walk out just like those other Solons. We are a democratic form of government indeed, but may I say, manners do matter. If you want to lead this country go through the election process. This ousting of incumbent presidents is getting boring.

What is lacking in our leaders is the ability to work as a team. To set aside personal gains for the betterment of our country, countrymen and women. We need to alleviate our economic status and bolsters our defense in our jurisdiction. Political instability will only weaken us more from foreign intruders. This is the time, we should unite as one, to support our President.

Compared to other leaders nowadays, President Aquino is doing his best. As a citizen of this country, I could feel his sincerity and dedication to the Filipino people.

He is elected by the majority of the Filipino populace, and the people had put him there. Let him lead us then. Those who wants to oust him, to replace him, 2016 is near then you will have a chance, that is if the Filipino people wants you. But for now, let our duly elected President lead us.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Time of Importance

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

As of now, I had realized the value of time, it will pass thru but cannot be recalled. People are rushing, for what reasons; maybe to live or just to finish things at hand. Living nowadays is different from the time of the past. I questioned the quality of living now, people are detached to their core being, of what is essential in life. Monotony could hardened the person’s persona, tragic and depressing. 

Controlling time is what I longed much. To be able to determine the how and what-to-do with it. Hold it with my grasping hands, to own it fully. My life is mine not for the time to dictates. I will live as I wish to be, time will only be a recording aspect of my timeline, not to be dictated by its routine movement. 

How to cheat time, then? 

It would be a challenge, but I will do it. Living the life I wanted, enjoying it to the fullest, never again will I be running after time, it will be in tandem with me. To walk hand-in-hand as I trod to this life. Time will be my friend, whether it likes it or not. Deep inside, I could feel the strength budding to blossoming, be the master of my universe. People may try to push me around, but never will I budged, they are just wasting their time. No one could force other people to do things they are not willing to do. 

My vision, my aim…

Long ago, I shied away from being successful or be acquiring plenty financial capabilities. Those things altered, in my thinking it should be changed, being financially free, means the ability to disbursed those assets to whatever purposes one may choose to. Wielding that power to greater use. Therefore, aiming in enriching myself is not a bad thing, but I will acquire it yes thru business endeavors and hard-work, too.