Friday, November 15, 2013

What it takes to be a General?

It was year 1989, I was in high school then. There was a coup attempt to our government which was led by the now defunct Reform the Armed Forces Movement (RAM), led by the infamous Col. Gringo Honasan. Which by the way, is like a son to Senator Juan Ponce Enrile; the same person, whose name is link to the Priority Development Assistance Fund scam or what is commonly known as the "Pork Barrel Scam". Which our country had breed another infamous person, Janet Napoles. She is the person who made this quote a household parody, "I invoked my Right Against Self-Incrimination".  But that is not the point I am wanting to give focus to. In that year, I had seen a very magnanimous leader in the midst of disarray and fear. The Commandant Of the Philippine Marine had shown a tremendous leadership, that until now no one had yet surpassed, it was Rodulfo Biazon.

Biazon had done a heroic act, commanding the Philippine Marine like just like a Master in a chess tournament, moving this and that, mobilizing everything inorder to toppled down the coup against the Aquino government. I was amazed by his tactics in warfare as well as the bravery and leadership he had delivered. The media were all over him, but it never deterred him from doing what ought to be done. It wa a memory I would always cherished. At the end of the chaos, he was on top of everything, victorious and indeed a hero of the existing government at that time, as well as of the general public.

General Biazon was the third Armed Forces Chief of Staff of the 5th Republic. He was the first to come from the ranks of the PMC.

My concern now, with the onslaught of the typhoon Yolanda. The disorganized ways and slow delivering of goods and of man-power, makes me wonder. When are we going to see our present Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Lt. Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista; in action? I just hope you will do the Biazon way, make us proud; make your own legacy, the table is set, it is yours for the taking. Bedazzled us all and may we see our soldiers in action, too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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