Friday, November 15, 2013

Loving Till It Hurts

The anguished of loving someone is hurting, when the the recipient do not reciprocate the love and attention you've given.

Call me a romantic fool, but I still believe in love. This world maybe crowded with cynics and unemotional people; but without love, this world will lacked it's luster. The way I see it, many are afraid to indulge to loving feeling, because maybe, in their past...they had experienced disappointments and rejections. It is a sad matter to reckon. But it should not hampered us to show our tenderness to each other. Through this, we will make this world a better place. Never close the doors for your happiness. All we need is to take chances, to make ourselves vulnerable to hurt; it is only then we can say we are ready to be happy.

When someone is still cautious of being hurt, what will happen is; that same person is also closing the door for happiness, of being loved unconditionally. You might not know, that was your only chance to be totally free and be happy in your dear life. When you find the love shining brightly in your life, at the very moment; hold it like a buoy when you are in the vast ocean. That is the best thing a person could give you. A love heartily given by someone, is a very rare gift, indeed. A fool, I will say to you, if you will let go of that. Never ignore, because just like a flower; if not being taking cared of, will wither.

If love is in your midst, please do care of it. It might not stay for long, if you keep your distance always. Make all the effort to keep it burning, when it flickers, it will be too late. And your happiness will be oblivion.

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