Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Letter for the President

For President Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy):
Good day to our Beloved President,

Reading the news regarding the Tacloban stricken area, with the residents there still not having food and water for five days already. And with the decomposing bodies just lying around. These scenarios are not a good thing, it could cause a massive health hazards.

I had seen how dedicated you are in alleviating the conditions of the affected people. But correct me if I am wrong; my observation is this, it seems nobody got your back. You become a leader with no followers.

I could vividly see, that the LGU's in the said area are not functioning and not doing their job in leading and mobilizing their people.

Mr. President, sir, if these leaders are not working for you. Then, may I suggest, you create a task force and make it to be in-charge of this situation, maybe call it "Yolanda Task Force". You have to pick good, and charismatic leaders, that could command their people under them. It is pretty obvious, you can't do it alone. You need to trust your leaders.

There are many who would like to volunteer in our country to help the victims. As a leader, it is up to you where to look for these resources. Be a leader that will encourage people to move and awaken our "Spirit of Bayanihan". It is an innate character for us Filipinos; all we need is a leader who will be the voice to lead us.

God bless you, Mr. President Aquino. May you have good health always, specially in this time of trials in our beloved country, Philippines.

Yours Truly,
Jojette Asumbrado Ramos
mother and a believer of good governance for the Philippines

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