Saturday, November 30, 2013

Presidente Supremo Andres Bonifacio

By: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Born as Andres Bonifacio y de Castro on the 30th of November 1863 in Tondo, Manila. Considered as the Father of the Philippine Revolution. Which I believed that he was really so. He founded the secret revolutionary society called the Katipunan movement or the Kataastaasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK / " Highest and Most Respected Society of the Country's Children").

The Katipunan was a secret society, with it's main objective was to have an independence from the Spain's colonial government by armed revolution.

When Rizal was deported to Dapitan in 1892, due to his political agenda for reforming the Spanish government in our country; and of organizing a group called La Liga Filipina. In the absence of Rizal; Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini and others  pursued and revised the group Rizal had started.

Bonifacio had been working on both organizations; the La Liga Filipina of Rizal and of the Katipunan, which he founded by himself. As the middle and lower classes had lost hope in the movement for reform from the Spanish government, many had joined instead fully to the Katipunan, which involved more radical changes thru armed revolution and oustering the Spanish colonialism from our country.

The Katipunan had it's own laws, bureaucratic structure and elective leadership.

Bonifacio had developed a friendship with Emilio Jacinto, which became his adviser and confidante. He applied the Kartilya primer of Jacinto instead of his Decalogue, because he believed Jacinto's Kartilya was much more superior. This already showed, that Bonifacio was humble enough in his abilities and also, gave credence to the talents of other members. A democratic in dealings with people around him.

In every secret society, there should be a publication to expressed their missions and aspirations for the organization, they had created Kalayaan ( Freedom). A collaboration between Bonifacio, Jacinto and Pio Valenzuela. It was sad really, they only created one printed issue. Bonifacio had written lots of articles in it, one of which was the poem entitled "Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa" ( Love for One's Homeland), he used a fictitious name Agapito Bagumbayan.

The Kalayaan publication in 1896 allowed them to recruit more members to the cause; from less that 300 to 30,000 to 40,000 members by August 1896.

Then the Philippine Revolution had begun.

Thru my readings, Bonifacio was the Presidente Supremo of the Philippines. He should be in equal footing with Dr. Jose Rizal, as a National Hero. His love for our country was unparalleled.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Magtanim ay Di Biro

by: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Had the time at last to tend my mini garden in pots. For an hour, I was able to re-pot, uproot and replant. When I finished, I am deeply satisfied gazing at my work. It looked healthy enough, and I am sure with a little water to this and that, it will flourish in no time at all.

My way of doing things at the same time; I wanted to breathe fresh air, and while I am at it, I took the opportunity to beautify my withering plants. It's a good thing, I am still able to salvaged some plants. Tomorrow, it will be the tending the terrace plants.

Friday, November 15, 2013

What it takes to be a General?

It was year 1989, I was in high school then. There was a coup attempt to our government which was led by the now defunct Reform the Armed Forces Movement (RAM), led by the infamous Col. Gringo Honasan. Which by the way, is like a son to Senator Juan Ponce Enrile; the same person, whose name is link to the Priority Development Assistance Fund scam or what is commonly known as the "Pork Barrel Scam". Which our country had breed another infamous person, Janet Napoles. She is the person who made this quote a household parody, "I invoked my Right Against Self-Incrimination".  But that is not the point I am wanting to give focus to. In that year, I had seen a very magnanimous leader in the midst of disarray and fear. The Commandant Of the Philippine Marine had shown a tremendous leadership, that until now no one had yet surpassed, it was Rodulfo Biazon.

Biazon had done a heroic act, commanding the Philippine Marine like just like a Master in a chess tournament, moving this and that, mobilizing everything inorder to toppled down the coup against the Aquino government. I was amazed by his tactics in warfare as well as the bravery and leadership he had delivered. The media were all over him, but it never deterred him from doing what ought to be done. It wa a memory I would always cherished. At the end of the chaos, he was on top of everything, victorious and indeed a hero of the existing government at that time, as well as of the general public.

General Biazon was the third Armed Forces Chief of Staff of the 5th Republic. He was the first to come from the ranks of the PMC.

My concern now, with the onslaught of the typhoon Yolanda. The disorganized ways and slow delivering of goods and of man-power, makes me wonder. When are we going to see our present Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Lt. Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista; in action? I just hope you will do the Biazon way, make us proud; make your own legacy, the table is set, it is yours for the taking. Bedazzled us all and may we see our soldiers in action, too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Loving Till It Hurts

The anguished of loving someone is hurting, when the the recipient do not reciprocate the love and attention you've given.

Call me a romantic fool, but I still believe in love. This world maybe crowded with cynics and unemotional people; but without love, this world will lacked it's luster. The way I see it, many are afraid to indulge to loving feeling, because maybe, in their past...they had experienced disappointments and rejections. It is a sad matter to reckon. But it should not hampered us to show our tenderness to each other. Through this, we will make this world a better place. Never close the doors for your happiness. All we need is to take chances, to make ourselves vulnerable to hurt; it is only then we can say we are ready to be happy.

When someone is still cautious of being hurt, what will happen is; that same person is also closing the door for happiness, of being loved unconditionally. You might not know, that was your only chance to be totally free and be happy in your dear life. When you find the love shining brightly in your life, at the very moment; hold it like a buoy when you are in the vast ocean. That is the best thing a person could give you. A love heartily given by someone, is a very rare gift, indeed. A fool, I will say to you, if you will let go of that. Never ignore, because just like a flower; if not being taking cared of, will wither.

If love is in your midst, please do care of it. It might not stay for long, if you keep your distance always. Make all the effort to keep it burning, when it flickers, it will be too late. And your happiness will be oblivion.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Letter for the President

For President Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy):
Good day to our Beloved President,

Reading the news regarding the Tacloban stricken area, with the residents there still not having food and water for five days already. And with the decomposing bodies just lying around. These scenarios are not a good thing, it could cause a massive health hazards.

I had seen how dedicated you are in alleviating the conditions of the affected people. But correct me if I am wrong; my observation is this, it seems nobody got your back. You become a leader with no followers.

I could vividly see, that the LGU's in the said area are not functioning and not doing their job in leading and mobilizing their people.

Mr. President, sir, if these leaders are not working for you. Then, may I suggest, you create a task force and make it to be in-charge of this situation, maybe call it "Yolanda Task Force". You have to pick good, and charismatic leaders, that could command their people under them. It is pretty obvious, you can't do it alone. You need to trust your leaders.

There are many who would like to volunteer in our country to help the victims. As a leader, it is up to you where to look for these resources. Be a leader that will encourage people to move and awaken our "Spirit of Bayanihan". It is an innate character for us Filipinos; all we need is a leader who will be the voice to lead us.

God bless you, Mr. President Aquino. May you have good health always, specially in this time of trials in our beloved country, Philippines.

Yours Truly,
Jojette Asumbrado Ramos
mother and a believer of good governance for the Philippines

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mind and Heart

If I use my heart, it wants to believed you are special; someone who cares and nurtures. Could be also
be longing for me, to cradle me when in distressed. To run beside me, when needing your comfort and consolation.

But my mind, says otherwise. It sees how you are, an emotional detached person, unable to care because, deep in your heart it is devoid of emotions. How could it be? I want to argue with my mind, but lo, even my heart knows the answer. I am just hoping against hope. My heart maybe strong, but it will never be enough.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ang Bomba

For two days, we had experienced scarcity of water. This was due to the super typhoon Yolanda, which hit our city last Friday, 8th of November. Because of that, my family and I were able to locate a handful of manual water pumps in our village or barangay, and to some neighboring barangays too. These ancient looking pumps, which before very common sightings, at a time there were still no faucets in every household. We call these things as "BOMBA", in my mother tongue, which is Visayan language, that I love so much.

These "bomba" thou old and seemed to be outdated, had given us the basic of all- WATER. One could live without electricity and not be updated in Facebook, Twitter, Blog site and other sites, whatsoever. But one can not do without water. I am so grateful of these thing which gives us the necessary thing in our life.

In our barangay, I had learned that there were at least four "bomba" around, I think there are more, but so far, that is sufficient for me to supply what we need. I had seen also, in another barangay, a water pump which is very visible to public's eye. I never realized, it's importance until we needed it.

When I saw "bomba" along the way, a glee feeling ignited in me. There were many people getting water in there, patiently waiting for their turn to pump those long handle, and be able to fetched some water. People of all walks of life, taking turns in pumping water. The best part, while waiting for our containers to be filled; we chatted about the calamities we were experiencing. I never knew, that the "bomba" could be a great venue for conversation.

Calamities, scarcity and trials... allowed us to connect to each other and to God, too. Thru it, God makes us realized that He is always here, giving us the help to just go thru our lives. We do not need to be complicated; life is simple. If we needed something, these are just available to us for our taking. It is just a manner of where to look. We do not need to panic or to do hoarding of things and food. In the end, God is always providing us.  Have FAITH in Him always.

For water, we have "bomba"- which had been with us since time immemorial. Our land is so fertile with water, a vast of it. All we need is to calm down, and fall in line and wait for our turn to pump those thing. And for what you know, you'll enjoy the experience. Because we did.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Bubble Economy

What is Bubble Economy? I thought, the "bubble" word is only used for bathing purposes. But lo, it is also an Economist vocabulary. Also, there is the word Bubblequake and Aftershock. It just sounds like an Earthquake per se. So why I am talking gibberish, well, I will just promote the two books of controversy lately by the billionaires in the USA and how it causes havoc in the stocks exchange. The name, Warren Buffet comes up, so I am interested, who wouldn't right? It will be good to feel like your rubbing elbows with the billionaires.

In 2006, Robert Wiedemer, David Wiedemer, PhD and Cindy Spitzer; a team of economists accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States. They published their research in the book America’s Bubble Economy. Which I posted below.

Because of the accuracy of the prediction of the economy in their book, it establishes Wiedemer as a trusted voice. Recently, they also published another book entitled Aftershock. Also shown below.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ang Tsinelas ni Avkez

It rained so much. I had to buy a new pair of slippers for Avkez because the one he was using awhile ago, was swept by the flood. Since I idolized Rizal, I told my son to let go of the other slipper too. At least, when somebody will find it, he or she could use it.

Avkez said, "Nay, pwede isa ra kabuok ato paliton nga tsinelas?". "Hahaha, anak wala may mupalit ug isa lang," I answered. The people around were laughing, well at least, even if it was raining and flooding, we, Filipinos could still find the reason to be gay. "O sige na, ipa-anud nanang isa." He asked innocently," Kay ngano 'Nay?"..."Kay dili nana nimo magamit, useless nana, kinsay mugamit ug isa lang ka tsinelas, abir?". He giggled, then let go of his other slipper to the flood. I told him then, about the story of Rizal and his slippers too. Just like him, Rizal did throw his other slipper too.

Together, we watched the slipper floating gaily.