Saturday, October 18, 2014

Standing My Ground

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Why do I feel this way? It seemed I had lost something valuable but I know I had to give it up, because if not it will bound to hurt me fully. Ever since I am small, I knew I will survive in any circumstances. An inherent character which is embedded in me. I had to be tough in my life. I had chosen badly at times, but deep inside I know I could overcome all the trials.

In my life, I had experienced so much rejections from my love ones, the reason I am able to harden my heart as well. I questioned at times, why is that the people that hurt us more are the ones we expect to nurture us. I wish I had relatives who really could stand beside me, but all I had seen is that they prefer to make your life a bit not easy. 

One thing about me, I will never bow to anyone. If that is what other people expect from me, then they are wasting their time.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Let Me Run Unbridled

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

For the survival of my soul, I need to be set free. The innate in me should be allowed to roam and explore the corners of this wonderful world around us, and also, in the vicinity of my mind. Nothing should restrict the way I am thinking, the ideas and aspirations I have is the most important in my life.
When my mind and heart are free, that is the time I am happiest. It allows me to breathe more, and be creative as well. Even in this noisy world that we have, I could find solace in my thinking and mind. It allows me to venture on the unexplored.
Let me run with the wolves, because it is only then I am alive and fiery.
Do not put out the fire, because if you do, many will be cold. I am a fire that could light up and warm your heart.
Let me be then. Accept it that I do not belong to anybody else, I belong to the wild. I am what I am.

Monday, October 6, 2014

When the Heart and Mind Agrees

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

There are moments I feel I am holding myself for something great within me to blossom, but recently, I had decided I shouldn’t allow that to happen. 

My heart is full of love and care, and it feels I am just letting a handful of people to know that. Only a few knew about it. I feel I could do more, and that I should reach out to other people in sharing what I have to offer. 

There may be people who will resist the goodness I will share, but I will not cease in giving it. There are others who will be happy to accept the kindness I will be bestowing. 

I am going to open doors to possibilities. May God bless me in this endeavor.