Monday, September 15, 2014

The Happiness I Felt

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Happiness to some means, acquiring new gadgets of high monetary value. For me, my happiness is giving the best life I could muster for my family. 

It could be just be able to provide our son with special food that he craves, that is enough for me. My family had experienced how it was to have scarcity in financial aspects, now that I have a work, it seemed we could breathe bigger. We could have an extra for a little expense, we could buy the food that we want. But, we still maintain the simplicity of our lifestyle, yet we are able to appreciate more the things we could buy recently, because before we had difficulty doing it. Restrains in many things, budget here and there, that was our life before. Now, that both my husband and I, are working, the monetary aspect is a bit different. We could provide our son more and have the capacity to move around a bit and happier as well. 

I thank God for giving me the chance to work again in the company I am in. The schedule may be tiring but I am happy with my job. I hope, I will be promoted soon in it. 

One step at a time.

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