Friday, September 19, 2014

Labels Do Count

Monday thru Friday I went to work. In the entrance of our office is a cafe that caters specifically with waffles. The aroma entices me every time I passed by. I told myself when I have my pay I will buy and try their specialty, not only for myself but for my son, hubby, and mom.

One day as I bought some, I brought it home for hubby and son for our dessert for breakfast. My husband asked where I got from, I answered it was from the Belgian Waffle. When he saw it, he said, "Ahhh, hot cake raman diay ni". He added, why does they have to label it as such. I answered, "'Tay, di ba mas nice kon ang tawag kay Belgian Waffle kaysa kay Belgian Hotcake". We all laughed about it, of course, with the sossy world that we have, everything should be labeled according to the mainstream.

So, there we were enjoying the savory taste of the Belgian Waffle.

They do have variety of flavors at hand. What we had tried were the chocolate and the cheddar cheese, for now.

Next salary time, it will be a different flavor. Let us see what is the most delicious of it all. I am excited already and that goes too with my son and hubby, as well.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

When Heaven Cries

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

It was dawn that my son and I traveled bound for his school. At first, I do not want him to go to school of the raging and continuous pouring of the rain. Yet, he insisted to proceed in going in there. So we went outside, the road was a bit flooded up to our ankles. What we did was to continue with our flooded journey. I got a bit drenched to my arms since the umbrella I brought was not enough to blocked all the tears from heaven.

My son was wearing his raincoat, so in a way he was protected from the drenching going on. The Jones area was flooded and the current I can say was a bit strong. I had to instruct my son to be wary of his slippers, we do not want a repeat occurrence of loosing his slippers by flood. What was good, he was not as fearful of the raging rain and random little flood in the city.

How I wish these presence of flooding will be eradicated. If only the taxes are being course thru properly, these could have been avoided.

Going back to the event awhile ago, since we had difficulty finding a jeepney, we opted to take the taxi instead. I had to pay more compared to using the PUJ, but it was okay, I just have to spend more during rainy season. I am more concern of the safety and health of my son, that is why I work this much to provide him the best in life.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Happiness I Felt

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Happiness to some means, acquiring new gadgets of high monetary value. For me, my happiness is giving the best life I could muster for my family. 

It could be just be able to provide our son with special food that he craves, that is enough for me. My family had experienced how it was to have scarcity in financial aspects, now that I have a work, it seemed we could breathe bigger. We could have an extra for a little expense, we could buy the food that we want. But, we still maintain the simplicity of our lifestyle, yet we are able to appreciate more the things we could buy recently, because before we had difficulty doing it. Restrains in many things, budget here and there, that was our life before. Now, that both my husband and I, are working, the monetary aspect is a bit different. We could provide our son more and have the capacity to move around a bit and happier as well. 

I thank God for giving me the chance to work again in the company I am in. The schedule may be tiring but I am happy with my job. I hope, I will be promoted soon in it. 

One step at a time.