Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rooting like a Tree

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

When the heart is accustomed to ones absence, it seemed to adjust and heal.

There are many things and people I had hoped that should be in my life, but it didn’t materialize. I had communicated what was in my heart, but no avail. Then a realization dawned to me, I just had high expectations for some people, which resulted to frustrations. As the days gone by, I had decided to just wait and accept events as it is. No more pursuing, I’ll stay put and wait. It is time to root somewhere. People who wanted to stay are welcome to bathe to the happiness I could muster, but for those unwilling, then I am setting them go.

My innate character cannot anymore follow where the other is going. Playing around is not anymore an option, I guess, I had reached the point wherein I succumbed to adulthood. To say things as I meant it, and unafraid to stand on my ground

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