Sunday, June 8, 2014


By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

There is a void that can not be filled. A question which can not be answered. Emptiness, of something I not know what. I need to step back and assess things. Sometimes there is just a need for me to be alone, to just stay away from people, I like it that way.

Oftentimes, I thought I am open to someone but still I realized I am not. A barrier is building up, and it boils down to confusion and reading signals which are a bit hazy. I found out, I am not easy to please. Guess, I have to embraced the fact that I am just that.

What I am yearning most from people is difficult give; I do not blame them. The world is tainted as it is, I should learn to dissuade myself with my great expectations.But the problem occurs, when I found things and events becoming superficial and lacking of in-depth purpose. It was when that I start to think, maybe this is not meant to be and it is time to move on.

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