Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Bestest Date Ever

As they say, be where your treasure is. And mine is being with my son.

Watching him in every step that he takes and seeing him grow with my own eyes every day, was the most fulfilling thing in my life. Deep in my heart, I had vowed, I will never forsake him as I had experienced in my life from other loved ones. In anyway that he needs me, he could be sure I will be there to assist him. 

As I was rummaging some old photographs, my son, Avkez, had asked me many questions. It occurred to me then, he is not aware of my childhood days. Then, an idea sinks in. There is no one in this world who could relay the story of my life better than me. Therefore, I had decided to make a book project about my childhood days, dedicated to my son. It will be an adventure for both of us, I will be taking him to my past life, let him see what I saw. Let him feel, what I felt. I do not know what will be the outcome of this, but I surely know, this project will make him understand his life too. I know when he will be an adult, he will have plenty of questions, so, by this book project, I will not only answer his future questions, but I will be bringing him to my past, as if he is really there. He will experience how it is to be me.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Death with Wheels

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Avkez and I had witnessed two motorcycles collided to each other. It happened in less than five seconds. Then they were lying on the road with their motorcycles besides them. One of the drivers was immobile for a minute or two which made me thought that he might had died. The other driver was moving, but with lots of scrapes on his left shoulder. The back rider was miraculously unharmed. As those gory incident materialized to our very own eyes, a frisson of gruesome scenarios flashes through my mind. What if it could be us? Avkez and me, since we also rode the motorcycles, although very rarely. I instinctively embraced him. And silently prayed to our Creator for keeping us safe in this unpredictable events and turns in our lives.

Nature Speaks

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Kiddo and I were at the home of my mommy. As we were having our lunch, and in the middle of our conversation, the dogs barked unceasingly; just like lunatics. Mom told me to checked what caused the commotion. Irritated of the interruption, I obliged. I stood up which caused the chair to make a scrapping sound against the floor. Standing near the glass window, I stooped a bit. Then, I witnessed what made the dogs in havoc. "So?", mom inquired. I impassively say, "Oh, just two male human beings clad in female dresses." Well, what can I say, even the dogs find them obnoxious and obtuse.