Friday, July 5, 2013

Broken Pieces

Once a mirror is broken can not be mended. 

Life is in parallel with mirrors. Started as a wonderful and hopeful visions. Like looking at our clear reflection. As time passes by, along with it the challenges. It will create a cracked, forgiving  will heal it, but there will be dents. When these happens frequently, peeking at it, will give lots of unsettling and different facets.

Shattered many times, it gives so much reflections. 

There are moments, when experiences, changes a persons' perception. The reflections are still the same, in a way, only this time, there are lots in there. A person, had become broken to pieces. Developed a multi-version of one's self. To be whole, it needs to mend internally. But, when looking at'll see bits of reflections.

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