Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Need to go Back

I was 10 years old, in grade 4.

It seemed I am just an ordinary girl. But I know deep inside, I am different from the others. There were moments that I preferred to watch the children around me. To just be a mere expectator. It was like being there, but just recording everything around me. Distance from the going-ons. Hearing all the things, contented of the chatters all around. When the teacher was out, the class was entrusted to me. To huzzed them,when they were getting boisterous.

I seldom transfer from one chair to another. If the teacher was out, I just write on my journal/diary, or just read my books. What the teacher says, I always follow. I had this eagerness to pleased my teachers. To do what was right and what was expected of me. Which lands me as the teachers' pet. Even to my classmates, I always see to it that they were given fair chance of my time. I listened to them. Always giving them advises, that made me feel as if I am so senior to them. But, what I observed, is that I never seemed so keen in asking anybody in helping me. When I had questions before, I just contend in solving it myself. Everything was boiled down deep inside.

After, every classes, I ran going home. I wanted to be home as early as I could. I misses my lola & lolo always. One thing that gave me enjoyment were the stories my grandparents shared to me. Also, I knew, a snack will be there for me waiting. I loved the champorado that my lola prepared, it was a rice podding with cocoa. But most of all, her stories. My lolo too, was so good in sharing the events of our small town. My life then was so simple, but the happiest.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Let Me Bleed

There are many things I wanted to say, but I always choose to keep it. Opted to be quiet at times, for others to speak. But when I do voice out my ideas, that is consistent with what I feel. I maybe judged of what I write, but I care no more. I am who I am, that is who I am.

What is Time? - A borrowed moment, and will never be taken back. It's face changes as we evolved in our daily lives. Every day is a 24- hour moment, but never a time of same existence. An hour, a minute, a second...we changed. A bit of us, aged gradually. If you feel a time to say something good, say it, because if you postponed, it might loose it's impact and meaning.

About People? - Every person is unique in many ways. Do not judged them, unless you know them fully. And if you know them already, you do not want to judged them either. People act as they do, because of their past experiences in life. Generally, all of us, just wanted full acceptance. I wanted to be accepted as I am. So, I am very open to accept others as they are. It will be a pure happiness, if they choose to reveal themselves to me. I give what I could share, even if sometimes it hurts.

About Love? - When I fall, I fall. Happy is he whom I had given my heart. I am yours until you break it. I still believe in true love, and because of that our world looks much more promising. It is love to one another, that we strive for Peace and Tranquility.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Broken Pieces

Once a mirror is broken can not be mended. 

Life is in parallel with mirrors. Started as a wonderful and hopeful visions. Like looking at our clear reflection. As time passes by, along with it the challenges. It will create a cracked, forgiving  will heal it, but there will be dents. When these happens frequently, peeking at it, will give lots of unsettling and different facets.

Shattered many times, it gives so much reflections. 

There are moments, when experiences, changes a persons' perception. The reflections are still the same, in a way, only this time, there are lots in there. A person, had become broken to pieces. Developed a multi-version of one's self. To be whole, it needs to mend internally. But, when looking at'll see bits of reflections.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Dream I Had Last Night

I was standing in a suite room. As I go near the wide glass window, I saw the other room, it was opened fully, an array of gowns were in there. The room was used as a display area for the owners' creations, I think she is a designer. All the gowns in there were beautifully made, with lustrious colors every girls and women would love to wear. I am transfixed...then I had felt someone was looking at me too. It was the designer herself. It will not be good to continually staring gowns right, while she was doing the same to me, right? So, I went inside my room, and alas! I had a white gown in there. I was taken aback, tried to recall when I bought it, where and for what purpose. Then, I woke up...