Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Art of Seeing

"Seeing is of course very much a matter of verbalization." - Annie Dillard

As we go to our daily routines in life, there are many things going around us, happening before our very eyes. But, we do not see them all, because our senses are preoccupied with our works. If you want to see the very things, around you, there is a need to redirect your senses and give focus on things and events, that never gives interest to you before.

Just observe the surroundings, then time seems to slow down. Amazingly, you will see everything, the details how people move, what they do, their expressions as they talk to the person infront of them. How the body moves synchronically to achieve certain tasks, without much thinking from the person involve. People move like a clock, with precision and great timing. Nature even move in a certain way, we are not aware of, but it is there, supplying the very life for all of us, unceasingly.

"Launch into the deep and you shall see." - Dillard

If we want to see things at the very details, there is a need for immersion. A need to be there, to be able to wonder the very occurrence of things. To let Nature takes its toll, letting it unravel it's true form. It may not turn out as you had expected it, but knowing could give plentiful of knowledge.

"The secret of seeing is, then, the pearl of great price." - Dillard

All, we will surely admit, that we wanted to master the Art of Seeing. It would be great to be an spectator of the things around us, and to be able to interpret the coding of Nature. But sad to say, this art, this pearl maybe found, but it may not be sought.

This will be more explicitly described by Annie Dillard as:

"The literature of illumination reveals this above all; although it comes to those who wait for it, it is always, even to the most practiced and adept, a gift and a total surprised."

It will just come to you, in a very unexpected time and moment. A euphoria, where nobody could hear or could know. A moment of peace, solitude, and a feeling of great strength but at the same time humbled with the gift endowed. When Enlightenment comes, you just know, you have a power within, it should be cared, and shared to those willing to listen and will treasure it too. 

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