Sunday, June 9, 2013

Praying Mantis...Pious or Camouflaging?

If we are Praying Mantises, there will never be an Over-Population to talk about.

Then, you will ask me, "why?", right? For the reason that every time the female & male mates, the female will eat him. Ouch! Imagine the female will mate with & devour up to seven males, whether she laid her eggs cases or not. It's mating rites last for 6 hours!!! Shut up! So okay, then there is this chemical produced in the head of the male insect which says,

"NO, DON'T GO NEAR HER, YOU FOOL, SHE'LL EAT YOU ALIVE." But of course, the other chemical must be stronger, that even death can not deter him, and it says like this, "YES BY ALL MEANS, NOW & FOREVER YES."

So, while the male still processing & pondering what to do..."To mate or not to mate?", classic really, just like Shakespeare. The female will take this opportunity to tip the balance to her favor. How? Oh oh oh, by eating his head. Then the male mounts on her, without his head, but he is still absorbed in the performance of his life... goodness, what a horrible site it must be. and that scenario will last for 6 hours. Unbelievably, horrific! He holds to the female in a tight embrace, but no head, no neck, & hardly no body. While the female turns her muzzle over her shoulder continues very placidly to gnaw, to chew what remains of the male mantis. What is left then is the masculine stump only, holding firmly, goes on with the present business... for 6 hours!!! What a nasty work of nature. Amazing, yet gross!

The story have positive effects as well as negative ones. What do you think will that be?

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