Friday, June 28, 2013

Another Chapter

Life is like a book. Unfolding, unraveling in every chapters of our lives. We wanted to stay on the most memorable and joyful part, but it has its end. Longing and holding to that phase, no matter what... it is just time to move on.

Another chapter, starts at hand. Can not turn back, the previous one is done. Life, is a moving forward direction, never backwards. What is done, all belongs to the past. Only for remiscing but never to be relived.

Every single day, we changed. Although, we are not aware most of the time; every experiences , made impact to each of us. Develop a consciousness, which is very unique from your previous self.

When a person, opens another chapter, the great ink of life starts scribbling. Please write it well.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Long Lost Friend

Kindhearted, and peaceful man
A gentleman to reckon
In him, I found friendship that is relaxed, no pretensions
Exchange of ideas just flows
What could be your secret?
I seemed to feel your good vibes
Could be an inner light, perhaps?
Whatever that is;
I am glad we are friends.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Philippines, my Beloved Country!

Happy Independence Day, my Beloved Country and Countrymen, Philippines!!!

May we continue the Legacy of our Ancestors
Sacrificed their blood; for Us to be Free from Foreign Hands
Let Us be Vigilant, then; this is the only Country we can call Our very Own
The very place We will always comes Home to
We are Great and Loving People
But there's also a need to Stand our Ground at times
To Protect Ourselves from Intruders
Exert all our efforts then to Strengthen, where we are Vulnerable
Freedom is Sweet; but it has to be Cared and Nurtured forever!!!

I am Proud to be a Filipino.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Art of Seeing

"Seeing is of course very much a matter of verbalization." - Annie Dillard

As we go to our daily routines in life, there are many things going around us, happening before our very eyes. But, we do not see them all, because our senses are preoccupied with our works. If you want to see the very things, around you, there is a need to redirect your senses and give focus on things and events, that never gives interest to you before.

Just observe the surroundings, then time seems to slow down. Amazingly, you will see everything, the details how people move, what they do, their expressions as they talk to the person infront of them. How the body moves synchronically to achieve certain tasks, without much thinking from the person involve. People move like a clock, with precision and great timing. Nature even move in a certain way, we are not aware of, but it is there, supplying the very life for all of us, unceasingly.

"Launch into the deep and you shall see." - Dillard

If we want to see things at the very details, there is a need for immersion. A need to be there, to be able to wonder the very occurrence of things. To let Nature takes its toll, letting it unravel it's true form. It may not turn out as you had expected it, but knowing could give plentiful of knowledge.

"The secret of seeing is, then, the pearl of great price." - Dillard

All, we will surely admit, that we wanted to master the Art of Seeing. It would be great to be an spectator of the things around us, and to be able to interpret the coding of Nature. But sad to say, this art, this pearl maybe found, but it may not be sought.

This will be more explicitly described by Annie Dillard as:

"The literature of illumination reveals this above all; although it comes to those who wait for it, it is always, even to the most practiced and adept, a gift and a total surprised."

It will just come to you, in a very unexpected time and moment. A euphoria, where nobody could hear or could know. A moment of peace, solitude, and a feeling of great strength but at the same time humbled with the gift endowed. When Enlightenment comes, you just know, you have a power within, it should be cared, and shared to those willing to listen and will treasure it too. 


If you are a food; I am craving and hungry
If you are a clothe; I am naked
If you are a pen; I am paper
If you are a bread; I am butter.

The Universe is made to evolve by two forces acting equivocally There is the motion; then the friction. The acceleration; then the deceleration. There are protons; as well as electrons. Everything exist in a binary character.

And that is how we evolved. One can not live without the other. Our souls had held hands long before.

I had been looking for you for so long And now, I found you, I will never let you go. I also know that finding each other had  a blissful effect to each other. The contentment and happiness felt is indeed, amazing!!!

Your Face

Even if I am awake
I could see your face
I long to touch it
And kiss it tenderly
What had you done to me, my Love?

Thinking of you, creates havoc to my senses
Every cell of me whispering your name,
How could I live without you?
When to me, you are my very source
Of life itself, of happiness, of desires.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Praying Mantis...Pious or Camouflaging?

If we are Praying Mantises, there will never be an Over-Population to talk about.

Then, you will ask me, "why?", right? For the reason that every time the female & male mates, the female will eat him. Ouch! Imagine the female will mate with & devour up to seven males, whether she laid her eggs cases or not. It's mating rites last for 6 hours!!! Shut up! So okay, then there is this chemical produced in the head of the male insect which says,

"NO, DON'T GO NEAR HER, YOU FOOL, SHE'LL EAT YOU ALIVE." But of course, the other chemical must be stronger, that even death can not deter him, and it says like this, "YES BY ALL MEANS, NOW & FOREVER YES."

So, while the male still processing & pondering what to do..."To mate or not to mate?", classic really, just like Shakespeare. The female will take this opportunity to tip the balance to her favor. How? Oh oh oh, by eating his head. Then the male mounts on her, without his head, but he is still absorbed in the performance of his life... goodness, what a horrible site it must be. and that scenario will last for 6 hours. Unbelievably, horrific! He holds to the female in a tight embrace, but no head, no neck, & hardly no body. While the female turns her muzzle over her shoulder continues very placidly to gnaw, to chew what remains of the male mantis. What is left then is the masculine stump only, holding firmly, goes on with the present business... for 6 hours!!! What a nasty work of nature. Amazing, yet gross!

The story have positive effects as well as negative ones. What do you think will that be?

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Bargaining

If I could not have one Thing, then
Let me have my "Words"
The Song of my Soul, will linger
Unsung, could be, but the Words will
Echo in my Heart
My Life could never be Perfect
But it will never deter me for Perfection
Longing always, but cannot hold
At least, I have my "Words" to speak
The Unspeakable
My Heart could never quench it's thirst
But, lo, I am elated! I know what I wanted
My body could be immobile...
But the Soul is restless and Ideas are great
It could not be for some, but hey! I don't give a damn...
My Soul sings, and for me, it is Enough.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


If Vincent Van Gogh has fixation with Stars
As portrayed in "Starry, Starry Night"
Mine, I think, is the Moonlight
Emitting brightness in the darkest night.

Looking up, the Moon so bright
In perfect roundness, thou not that big
Still it made me felt rejuvenated just by seeing it.

What is there in the Moon?
Looking at it, mesmerized by it's beauty
Alone yet serene
Amidst the darkness, it's light is a blessing.

Moonlight, Moonlight, Moonlight
Lovers bathe to your mystique aura
Travelers and Adventurers, grateful of your guiding light
Moonlight... embrace me, radiate to me your tranquility, simplicity yet powerful nature.