Thursday, May 23, 2013

I want to use "I" now

I have a date with DUNAWAY
I am DUN & very much AWAY, hehehe
I want to learn more, although
I have a tendency to forget it, the soonest I read it
I am irritated by it, but what can I do?
I am what I am
I will continue my learning
I might remember it, goodness please... we have an exam tomorrow!!!
I might not be perfect, but it never deter me for doing things in Perfection
I love all the people that touches my life
I thank you for making me part of your lives too
I thank God for the family that I have
I thank God for everything He giveth, especially the minute ones I might not be aware
I thank you, for taking the time to read this.... mwuahhh!!!

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