Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Black Hole

Why is it there are moments, I just feel the darkness engulfing me? I wanted to shake things through, but it just stayed there longer. To be positive, is a good thing, but it can not put out the turmoil around. Instead, I stop fighting it, I allowed myself to be immersed, bathed and internalized all of the negative things I am feeling. Then, I took a deep breathed... whew!!! So, okay, pretty much sure, I am not the only one with this challenges in life. Therefore, I'll pass this thru.

Even the worst storm had it's end. The Black Hole maybe has it's good effect, it might clear away things not needed in my life. It might suck the happiness & gayness in me, but who knows, what it will absorbs are those burdensome to my heart.

This Black Hole, might be the start of something great in my life. A leap beyond imagination. The unfathomable possibilities. I'll face it then, no turning back. Stepping in it, I know I will still be okay.

 At first, you are a foe, but now, I see you only as my passage thru.

Black hole, show me the other side.

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