Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Black Hole

Why is it there are moments, I just feel the darkness engulfing me? I wanted to shake things through, but it just stayed there longer. To be positive, is a good thing, but it can not put out the turmoil around. Instead, I stop fighting it, I allowed myself to be immersed, bathed and internalized all of the negative things I am feeling. Then, I took a deep breathed... whew!!! So, okay, pretty much sure, I am not the only one with this challenges in life. Therefore, I'll pass this thru.

Even the worst storm had it's end. The Black Hole maybe has it's good effect, it might clear away things not needed in my life. It might suck the happiness & gayness in me, but who knows, what it will absorbs are those burdensome to my heart.

This Black Hole, might be the start of something great in my life. A leap beyond imagination. The unfathomable possibilities. I'll face it then, no turning back. Stepping in it, I know I will still be okay.

 At first, you are a foe, but now, I see you only as my passage thru.

Black hole, show me the other side.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I want to use "I" now

I have a date with DUNAWAY
I am DUN & very much AWAY, hehehe
I want to learn more, although
I have a tendency to forget it, the soonest I read it
I am irritated by it, but what can I do?
I am what I am
I will continue my learning
I might remember it, goodness please... we have an exam tomorrow!!!
I might not be perfect, but it never deter me for doing things in Perfection
I love all the people that touches my life
I thank you for making me part of your lives too
I thank God for the family that I have
I thank God for everything He giveth, especially the minute ones I might not be aware
I thank you, for taking the time to read this.... mwuahhh!!!

Mommy Judith

Your name is Biblical
A strong woman to reckon
Intelligent in many ways
With a heart full of Love

Memories varies
But my constant vision of you
Is a mother, who will go beyond expectations
Always thriving to do the best.

It seems like yesterday
Seeing you every morning
Getting ready for work
Wearing your uniform, you are a beauty, a vision of grace

I remember you always as a Woman with high heeled shoes
The sound of it, always made me elated
"My mom is coming home!"
Thank you for always being there for me & Avkez


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Yawning is your greeting
Drooping of eyelids is common
Wanting to be conscious, but you are persistent
Tried to widen eyes... but still it closes
Mind becomes blurry, even makes it numb
Slumber is around, who could ever resist?
One has to try, but will never win
Embrace slumber
Off we go to dreamland, the place where our soul will rest for awhile.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Tick tock tick tock
Our lives depends on it
We measured it as such
Where did the time went?
Oh, gosh...years had passed as if it was just yesterday
There were moments to relished, but all had been in memory
A thread of events, in details or maybe in partial
Time had taken much of our lives
Or could have given us more
Bottling the Time is a temptation
But it cannot be done
It will go on and on
It is constant, what will change is the mind of how to use it
Time, are you a friend or a foe?
Tick tock tick tock

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Forbidden Fruit

Succulent to the core
Tempting to ones appetite
Salivate looking at it
But its a forbidden fruit
How come, many wants it?
Is it because of the challenges that comes with it?
Curiosity, wanting, and expectations increases heartbeats
One thing never changed, a forbidden fruit...will always be forbidden.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

You think your In-Love?

Love is a wonderful thing to feel
But is it really what you feel?
Do you know what is at stake?
Love is a gift, but are you willing to make the sacrifices along the way?
If you think you are really in-love
Ask yourself,  "Am I in-love really?"
A thousand times.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Life is Beautiful

Awaken by the first break of dawn
Consciously breathing the fresh air
Beside to the precious gift that God had giveth
Embracing my precious love, a small child that looks up to me

Reminiscing the past
The tress are my solace
Climbing, sitting on it's branches
Content with observing the surrounding

Happiness is so simple, then
Just be with Nature, co-exist
Listening to the sound of the leaves
The breeze, which provides coolness

Up there, quiet and serene
Only conscious of the breathing
Then the Universe converse with one's Soul
 Inner peace is achieved