Thursday, November 20, 2014

All About Questions

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Now that I am in a new QA staff, my working atmosphere is getting better. There was a time, I thought my ratings will never see the light of day, it dived so low, the abyss was just a breath away. 

I have a breathing space at present and I could again infused my enthusiasms to my daily routines at work. One scenario, to reiterate my point, happened during our not so short after worked meetings, but at least compared before, now is much brief and concise. The QA said, “When u answer your customer’s questions, do not answer it with another question”. Then a rendition of Alfred Mann’s band popped to my mind, I said,” Miss, that is what we call…(started singing the adlib)… ‘They answered my questions with question’” They all looked at me with blanked expression on their faces. Oh gosh, a decade and a half of gap, indeed. I had to bite my tongue and contained my bubbling laughter inside. I realized, there are jokes according to generation.

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