Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Be Humane

 By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

Before we can pray to the Divine Creator, be sure that you are human in every way with utmost respect for humanity. The horrendous killings of Christians, regardless if they are women and children, or civilians is inhumane in any way. Those who are and were part of these gruesome Christian genocide will suffer tremendous anguish in their souls, what they had done will make their lives miserable for generations to come. Their very lives was cursed already. Might be burning in hell, while they are still on Earth.

The innocent lives and blood spilled of those hapless victims, are crying out loud to Him. The guilty will be punished, just like Cain when he killed his brother Abel. Cain was cursed, and it will be like that to those who willingly and willfully take the lives of innocent people.

Do not be blinded by the ideals of your Religion, know that we are all Humans, we should respect Life, because that is the basic teaching of the Divine Creator.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Freeing One’s Mind

By Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

In the absurdities of life, one will aim forming a conclusive foundation to anchor to reality. But what is reality? Is it in adjusting to what is acceptable to the society where we live? There were just times, it could be obnoxious to the will, to be compelled to align to what is normative rather than pursue what you want to do.

When I was younger, I followed that kind of thinking, to please the people around me. But I know, deep down there were things I’d rather do otherwise. There were glitzes, of course, I had seen it when I tried to reminisce the past. I was able to follow the dictate of my inner self, I felt proud of myself then.

Subtle in ways, that is how I would describe myself before. But when I do write in my diary, that is when I am so alive and free. The people around me were content to see me achieved from different levels in my school, but no one ever talked to me heart-to-heart. They must have thought, I do not have any concerns, and that I could manage by myself. The problem with that thinking was, it created a lonely childhood. And the worst scenario, nobody knew about it since no one asked me. I ended up analyzing and making justifications for everything. I had learned to live inside my mind.

In my mind are jumbled questions and self-help answers which pathetically, I got from books I read. I guess, this is the reason I had developed a passion for reading. Through it, I had garnered knowledge which I cannot have from other people around, or it could be, I had chosen to distance myself from them.

Now, I am a mature person, free from the qualms of society or it could be just a feeling of being closer to deathbed, rumors and back stabbing do not have the same stigma as I was younger. Therefore, I will only speak my mind if I feel like it or keep my silence because I want to. It will be my choice, not yours.