Wednesday, December 4, 2013


The feelings that I have now is confusing. I tried to control it, but it's bugging me so much. The sadness I felt is beyond what I expected. This is the times, I know I will run and be gone from the world. To hide, and to be with myself. A need to be seen as a special person by someone, but I am just wishing for things that will never be.
By: Jojette Asumbrado Ramos

My soul will only cry in solitude, waiting for the one who is still not aware that I am the one that will complete him. Our souls always meet, but along the way, it refuses to acknowledged fully that we belong to each other. I am tired of waiting, of being patient, to see me as the one that it needs for the nourishment of each other.

In this life, I had given up, that we will consume our perfect connection. I am ready, to give it up. Maybe in the next life, we will be able to meet again, and maybe it will be a perfect time and place.

The pain, the disappointments, the angst...are just too much to bare. I have to let it go. You are free, I am setting you go. It's a miracle and full of mystery, we were able to meet; but we are not destined to do it for real. Everything we stand for are on opposites to one another.

My love, I am setting you free. 

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