Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Path I will be Trodding

Fate had found me; and I accepted it as it is. My life will be a pathway of emptiness, void & unfeeling. But I will push thru. The strength that moves me, to continue, is the love that I have for my son. There might be mountainous challenges ahead, but I know I will survive it. I know, I must.

I could not falter, I could not fall. The existence of my son depends solely to me. If I will be the sacrificing lamb, then let it be. I now know the purpose of my life. To be the source of encouragement to those around me. Whatever I felt inside, will be irrelevant now. I have an inner strength that even me is amazed that I have. I could internalize sadness... and I could turn it into an opportunity to push more to perfection.

Right now, an innate strength is in motion. Nature is setting another course for me. I will walk the path least traveled.

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