Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Path I will be Trodding

Fate had found me; and I accepted it as it is. My life will be a pathway of emptiness, void & unfeeling. But I will push thru. The strength that moves me, to continue, is the love that I have for my son. There might be mountainous challenges ahead, but I know I will survive it. I know, I must.

I could not falter, I could not fall. The existence of my son depends solely to me. If I will be the sacrificing lamb, then let it be. I now know the purpose of my life. To be the source of encouragement to those around me. Whatever I felt inside, will be irrelevant now. I have an inner strength that even me is amazed that I have. I could internalize sadness... and I could turn it into an opportunity to push more to perfection.

Right now, an innate strength is in motion. Nature is setting another course for me. I will walk the path least traveled.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Bird's Song

   Why does a bird sings? Could it be a code? Of what? It's singing a foreign language; something to be uncoded, or just to let it be. Whatever its meaning; the music made is a beauty to ones ears.
   Why is it beautiful?
   The twitting I could not understnd, but gives happiness; a gift from Nature. Ever thankful of the things around, which I could not understand, but enjoyed. 
   A mystery to behold, because I could not give a specific answer. Should I complain of the Nature's gifts? Everyday, as we wake up, the hand of Nature is at work. In good mood or not, but still the beauty around us continued to yield.
   Aware or unaware, things around us happened like a precise clock without missing a bit. 
   A bird sings without giving us it's meaning; but our heart is at glee. Peace that can not be fathomed. Could it be a code to be deciphered? Then, who have the talent or the key to unlock it? May Nature reveals itself to the receptive ones.

On Dying

If I will be having my last breath
Let me repose into your arms
The comfort and warmth
Makes death; a welcoming kiss
Being with you, makes my life complete
A sigh; a breathe; I had been holding for so long
Death maybe end
But somehow, I know it is only the beginning...