Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh, Mary Magdalene!

Mystical woman; tainted with malice?
Glorified by few?
Were ancient women discriminated?
Oh, Mary Magdalene reveal thyself!

The Creator had known
Thy heart was pure; thy Soul was great
He had been the vanguard
Of your radiance within

In His Ressurection
He had chosen to apparate; to you
A woman to deliver His message
As what John and Mark had written; but did they listen?

Oh, Mary Magdalene!
A woman; pure of intentions and might
Chosen to be a messenger
Delivered it heartily; even if nobody believed

by: Jojette Asumbrado - Ramos
( Poems - Original Composition )


  1. I like this te. After reading Da Vinci Code, I have high respects for Magdalene. I know it's not very detailed on the four gospels we have in the New Testament, but putting the pieces together, you'd know she's played an important role on Jesus' life on earth.

    1. Thank you for dropping by Jaw. Yes, she was a very prominent person in the life of Jesus. The way I see it, she was the most chosen one, because Jesus preferred to apparate to her first.
