Thursday, March 28, 2013

Forgive me, my Love

My love is chaste
Red to the core
But you changed
And now it’s hue

My love I bequeathed
Wholly, untainted
Yet you’ve chosen to be obscure
So, I take it back and concealed

Now, you longed for it
Offer your Body, Heart, and Soul
My unrequited love, perhaps be yours
Until then; Forgive me, my love...

-Jojette Asumbrado – Ramos
( Poems – Original Composition )

Indecent Desires

Hidden; obscure
Elated heart; yet quiet
Dance; yet static
Laughing; yet sober

Words swarming; yet unwritten
Burning; yet cold
Touching; yet detached
Close; yet afar

Obsessed; yet controlled
Owning; yet empty handed
A moment; yet oblivion
Dreaming; yet awake

A gift; a secret
With all unexpected desires
Fulflilment; yet unresolved
Meditating; yet unenlightened

-Jojette Asumbrado – Ramos
(Poems – Original composition )

Speak Up

Your voice maybe inaudible
Maybe only one or two listened
But who knows, they might have thousands who listened to them
So, Speak up!

You fear your ideas will be a laughing stock
But still, you believe it’s crucial
For everybody’s concern
So, Speak up!

Standing up, muster courage
Although, inside; your quivering, shaking, fearing humiliation
But still, you find the strength to deliver the message
So, Speak up!

Be the voice for others; who do not have
Speak softly; but with convictions
Be the ripple; make waves
Speak up! Speak up! Speak up!

-Jojette Asumbrado-Ramos
(Poems – Original Composition)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beating of Drums

Dance to the beat
Heart on fire
Calling the inner sanctum
To celebrate life

Ethnicity of sound
Transport the spirit
To something raw and wild
A warrior on the go

The Mother Earth
Is calling within
Hands on air
And the body and spirit dances to it’s beats

-Jojette Asumbrado-Ramos
(Poems – Original Composition)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh, Mary Magdalene!

Mystical woman; tainted with malice?
Glorified by few?
Were ancient women discriminated?
Oh, Mary Magdalene reveal thyself!

The Creator had known
Thy heart was pure; thy Soul was great
He had been the vanguard
Of your radiance within

In His Ressurection
He had chosen to apparate; to you
A woman to deliver His message
As what John and Mark had written; but did they listen?

Oh, Mary Magdalene!
A woman; pure of intentions and might
Chosen to be a messenger
Delivered it heartily; even if nobody believed

by: Jojette Asumbrado - Ramos
( Poems - Original Composition )

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Language of Modern Times

Some of the shortcuts in this chatting world
To talk to someone
Just chat in FB, skype, and yahoo messenger  are just a few

If deliriously elated
Then lol, he3x, ha3x, jejeje
And the evil  laugh...bwahahaha! – do not forget
If very lazy, EMO faces are the best, ;)

What’s ur loc? – for location
What u doin? – to know the mindset
What u wearin? – for whatever purposes, lol
Hi and Hello, thou classic are still IN

Gud am or morning! – for wake-up call
Gud pm or eve! – for warming –up
Gud nn! – for nothing to say
‘Tis World is together we say, “LOL!”

-Jojette Asumbrado-Ramos
(Poems – Original Composition)


Unexpectedly you came
Happiness openness within
Listened to all my bubblings and mumblings
Like a spring after the drought

Amused of my rattlings
Sincere on your inquiries
My soul is touched
Like smelling the fragrance of a flower

You giveth something
I supposed it’s called friendship
My soul seemed to leap of joy
Thank you friend for standing with me

Poetry is  the language of my soul
But somehow you can see thru it
Amazed by your wit and words
Something giddy inside, watching and wanting your audience always

-Jojette Asumbrado-Ramos
(Poems – Original Composition)

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Cocking Cock

Shivering at the first whiff
Eerie, yet at peace
Dark, yet promising
Stuporous to consciousness by the cocking cock

A foe to some
But never to me
A constant buddy at the break of dawn
Oh, glorious cocking cock

Spreading the wings
Fluffing, wildly and proudly
Inhale the air, then the sound reverberates
A calling from the cocking cock

- Jojette Asumbrado-Ramos
(Poems - Original Composition)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


A friend
A companion
A lecturer
A teacher
A lover
The best thing, always with me in times of need.

Without You, my life will be empty
A solace to my loneliness
Always there in dire needs
Varied voices, aplenty in my head.

Learning is easy
If I listen intently; eagerness is palpable
You gave me something
Only you and I may know.

A secret, coded in inks
We laughed, we cried, we pondered
A secret understood only by few
Wisdom?, perhaps... but it's more, more, more than that.

- Jojette Asumbrado Ramos
(Poems - Original Composition)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Think of water
Cascading beautifully
Peacefully, refreshing
Washes away the heat
Dip in there...
Cold, colder, coldest
Be with nature
Balance should be achieve.
(Poems - Original Composition)