Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Beauty of Innocence

Today, my son has a project for his Science subject. They were told to bring stems from various plants such as the santan, san francisco, gumamela and also, of spices found locally like the onions, garlic and ginger.

Last night, I told him to remind me tomorrow, that we could just get the spices in the refrigerator, and the plants in our little garden. Because of the rushing of events in the morning,both of us forgot about it. We only remembered, when we were already in a vehicle.

I told him, "Anak, we will just pick something along the way. I'm pretty sure there are lots of flowers along the way." But, of course, it means somebody owned it, and that I did not expound to him. He answered, "Okay 'nay," hesitantly. I think, he was like having a conversation within himself.

Then I found the flower to remedy to our predicament. A santan flowers in the school garden. Oh yeah, the one which were protected by three feet grilled fences. All I have to do is bend a little bit and get a small stem from its body. As, I was going to pick one stem, my son seemed to be uneasy. I asked him why. Even without saying really, I know what was in his mind. He said, " 'Nay, don't pick that flower, the school owns it." I said, "I know, we will only get one stem, it will grow back again," as I continued to get the stem. He was like looking all around him, looking guilty and so afraid to be reprimanded. I know, I am fully to be blamed of what he was feeling. I can not help but suppressed my giggle  inside, my son is so innocent in many ways. I just hope, we could make them at that stage always in their lives.

And so i gave the santan to him; he would never touched the flower. As if it is a poisonous snake. I just shoved it to his bag, and said, "There you go! Now you have a specimen, do not worry much, the flower will grow back again. Next time, do not forget your assignments, that this scenario will not happen again." His agreement is so fast and abrupt, that I know he will see to it next time he will prepare his specimens at night.

What I did was wrong, and I do not recommend it to anybody. My son is a better person than I am, and I am proud of him. He is the symbol of goodness and purity. An angel in my midst.

Innocence is very rare to find nowadays, and be able to see it in the eyes and action of my son, is a blessing. A whiff of fresh air.