Sunday, April 28, 2013

Random Thoughts

- Distance and time are good allies. Tribulations, uncertainties, confusions and longing are rolled into one's heart.

- Broken to pieces, never be mended.

- Fragile life, still fragile mind.

- Better be alone, in despair...than aplenty asunder.

- Heart with thorns.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Love Story Behind Taj Mahal

By: The Inkler

Who would best describe its splendour and beauty?
The edifice; immortalized by love eternal
Of man and woman; surpassed even death
He had created the “Crown of Palaces”
For his great love for his wife

Gazing at the marvellous monument
A sight to wonder; a sigh within
Grief, sadness, love eternal...rolled into one
The great love of Shah Jahan towards Mumtaz Mahal is beyond words

The grief-stricken soul; longing for his beloved
It sings, for his dear love
The music; lingers within
Even today, we still hears his calling

“ Should guilty seek asylum here
Like one pardoned, he becomes free from sin
Should a sinner make his way to this mansion
All his past sins are to be washed away
The sight of this mansion creates a sorrowing sighs
And the sun and the moon shed tears from their eyes
In this world this edifice has been made
To display thereby the creator’s glory.”

-Emperor Shah Jahan
(described the Taj Mahal)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Death Has No Dignity

When death is at hand, it will rob the very essence of a person. Life escapes from the human body. The soul vanishes; where it goes, I do not know. What is left, the vessel in rigor mortise; lifeless and useless. Deformed, instead of beauty and grace.

Death is inevitable. Are we ready for it? How are we going to go? Nobody knows for sure. But all of us know, we will have our ending. What are we going to do about it?

Would you rather treat every moment as if your last? What are the things you wanted to do; if you know, you only have a year, a month, a week or a day to live?

What is the purpose of death then? A timer, for us to make our lives worth living? To be more conscious of our mortality? Or to let us rest for this agonizing, yet somewhat beautiful place of ours?

Death is the end of mortality. The start of oblivion and precipitation. We will soon be forgotten, maybe remembered thru stories, but we become part of the past.

 by: The Inkler

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

If I Follow my Heart

If I follow my heart, where will I be? Somewhere near Egypt, would be nice. Since I was a kid, I had always wanted to gaze to those Pyramids in Giza. The reason is beyond me, but it is still in my subconscious. It will be a scourging heat, but it never deter me in still longing for that place.

I would love to travel. But, somehow the places I had been were still not plentiful. I do not prefer the malls. It seems, if your in a mall, you've been to all the malls around the world, looks the same. Shiny window glasses, buy me expensive clothes & things display. If I went to a country, knowing the heart of it would be more exciting. Therefore, if I travel, a local friend would be a superb tour guide. Dangerous in a way, yet exciting too.

If I follow my heart, I would rather be a citizen of the Earth. Not restricted to my nationality, religion, race, norms and traditions. I would love to learn as much as I can about the other cultures of the surrounding countries in this world of ours.

If I follow my heart, I will build my son, a bigger house, then make it a home. Provide him with enough love & devotion, that he will carry it thru his life. I want him too, to be with me, when I will be seeing those places I wanted to see.

If I follow my heart, I will be with the person who loves me unconditionally, same as me.

But, following the heart has many restrictions; responsibilities, loyalty, pledges & honor.

Following our heart is easier said than done. We tried to set it aside, but it's there looming in the corner of our hearts. It keeps popping, but for now, that has to wait.

-Jojette Asumbrado - Ramos
(The Inkler)

Monday, April 8, 2013


There are moments, I just want to be quiet. To be disconnected it this always connected world. To be left alone, to be on my own bubble. I think I am just growing old, oh well, what can I do, it's part of life.

Then an idea dawned to me. I will exert all my efforts in teaching my son what I know, everything, if that will be possible, then by doing that, my soul will be ready to go. My existence is for the preparation of him. This is the reason, the focus of my life.

-Jojette Asumbrado - Ramos
( My very own Short Stories )

Friday, April 5, 2013

Swerving Thoughts

The point of changed
Forward, unfaltering
No turning back
A new path is inevitable

The Universe; aligned
Events; unraveling
Look around; strange
Look inside; overwhelming

With wonder; waiting
Anticipating; building
 Of fear or success
Cast aside; swerving at hand

-Jojette Asumbrado – Ramos
(Poems – Original Composition )

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Reminiscing the past
Turning the hands of time
Seeing vividly the younger version of us
I am 12; You are 14

Let’s talk about Me
Coming from the province
The city is a whirlwind
New, exciting but a stranger nonetheless

Let’s talk about U
City girl; and have lots of friends
It’s your haven
It’s your home

But, somehow we clicked
Together we had a blasting fun
Every situations; a comical skit
We laughed crazily; some think we were

Mostly elated
But, we had deep thoughts too
Thou some don’t know; we do cry in private
I miss my best friend; yes, that’s you, Baby O!

-Jojette Asumbrado – Ramos
( Poems – Original Composition )

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Trust is given; nurtured
An unspoken word hanging between
Break it once
Regret forever
Never break it then
Lest a wrath be closing in
Hope against hope
On bended knees
Give this fool a chance?

-Jojette Asumbrado – Ramos
(Poems – Original Composition )


Two souls are entwined
Forever and for eternity
Time is non-existent
When they find each other

The happiness within
Beyond compare
Each other is a Spring
Absence; drought to one

Whole life; seeking
When chance opens a glimpse
A bleak, a flicker
The Souls are pulled, entranced

Whirlwind, confusion, but complete
Life is beautiful
Life is bearable
As two Souls, finally together.

-Jojette Asumbrado – Ramos
( Poems – Original Composition )